‘During my notarial study I came into contact with tax courses. This is where my interest in Tax Law originated.’

At Lagun Family Services I’m working as a Candidate Notary. My focus is on family law and corporate law.

During my studies I gained experience as a notarial employee at another notary’s office in real estate practice and in family law.
In addition to my Master’s in Notarial Law, I also completed the Master’s in Tax Law. During my notarial study I came into contact with tax courses. This is where my interest in Tax Law originated.

HVK Stevens mainly appeals to me because of the full-service, the range of legal, tax and financial expertise. In addition, there is an open and informal atmosphere in the office that is essential for personal developments. After all, delivering high-quality services is possible when there is a pleasant working atmosphere.


  • Family Law
  • Business Law
  • Private Wealth


  • Professional training Notary
  • Masters in Tax Law at VU University Amsterdam (Direct Taxes)
  • Master of Notarial Law at the VU University Amsterdam (with Civil Effect)
  • Bachelor of Notarial Law at the VU University Amsterdam

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